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Paleo mango ice cream in a dessert glass.
Recipes, Dessert, Paleo, Summer, vegan

Paleo Mango Ice Cream

Mango season is officially here, so why not celebrate by making this paleo mango ice cream? It is healthy, cold, refreshing, and so delicious. Plus, this paleo mango ice cream recipe only has 3 ingredients, so what are you waiting for?  More Reasons To Love This Mango Ice Cream Recipe  […]

Fresh vegetables on a photo board that will keep you hydrated.
Articles, Food And Mood, Health

12 Vegetables To Keep You Hydrated This Summer

Staying hydrated during the summer is essential. It is hot, after all, which can increase your risk of dehydration. However, staying hydrated can be challenging for some people.  Water seems bland, so they often drink sugar-sweetened beverages, which aren’t necessarily the best for your overall health.  There are other ways […]

Fruit infused water on a stand surrounded by fresh watermelon, oranges, pineapples, and berries.
Articles, Food And Mood, Health

Why Staying Hydrated Is Good For Your Overall Health

Hydration is a fundamental aspect of maintaining optimal health and wellness. The human body is composed mostly of water, and proper hydration is essential for numerous bodily functions. From regulating body temperature to supporting organ function, hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. In this article, we will […]

Chocolate smoothie bowl, lentil chickpea soup, tofu Buddha bowl, and toasts arranged on the countertop,
Articles, Food And Mood, How To Guides

How To Eat In Moderation

The phrase “eat in moderation” appears everywhere. Eat bacon in moderation. Eat cakes and cookies in moderation. Even if you look at the food pyramid, you will see that it says to eat sugars sparingly, which is just a clever way of saying eat sugar in moderation.  Let’s be clear; […]